
Etape 4 → White Card : les réponses (Audio Assessment)

Arrivé à cette étape tu as du faire le paiement pour recevoir ta carte.
Maintenant prends ton plus bel accent Mate!
On essaye de reformuler, de modifier un peu car parfois ça n'est pas validé 👀  👊.
Question 1 

"Excuse me sir could you remind me the pre-operational safety check? By the way do you need a permit for that?"

Hey Mate! Be careful don't cut yourself and turn off the engine when you're done

The job safety analyse describe all the risk and hazard for specific trash and tell me who is the person in charge

Question 2


I should raise the alarm and call the emergency service

I should warm the other worker to keep away from the and call the 000

The work health and safety representative, represent worker on safety issues.
The work health safety and committee is the link between worker and PCBU
The supervisor and the first aid officer in charge in case of the emergency

Question 3


Blanket are used to stop kitchen fire
Hose are used for fire in building
Breathing equipment is used by Firefighters

Water extinguishers are used for common fire like wood fire or paper fire
Carbon extinguishers are used for electrical fire
Foam extinguishers are used on against flammable liquids such as petrol or paint
Powder type extinguishers are used for energised electrical equipment

Safety data sheet exist for materials that are hazardous
The sheets are supplied by the manufacturer

Question 4


Blue color say what we must do
Yellow color warn us about risk and hazard
Red color say what we must do
Green Color is information
In this case, we have to wear a helmet and be aware of falling object

People could fall from the scaffold and heavy things could fall on the head

A helmet could protect me from heavy falling objects

The safe work method statement provide agreed information to all staff on safe work pratice

Il te reste à attendre quelques heures voir jours pour voir tes réponses validées. Si ce n'est pas le cas reformule Mate !
En avant pour la vidéo 🎥

6 commentaires:

  1. En projet Mate! Surement trop tard pour toi ;)

    1. Du coup ça en est où?
      j'espère que c'est bientot prêt ;)

      Merci encore

  2. Pour info les questions ont un peu changees, mais merci quand meme :p

  3. Sa reste correct pour chaque question ou la ?

  4. ce n'est plus pareil quelqu'un aurais les reponse pour la white card de juillet 2019 merci
